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Direct grasp

Direct grasp (by Human). Direct grasp (by Robot).

Sliding based grasp

Sliding based grasp (by Human). Sliding based grasp (by Robot).

Regrasping based grasp

Regrasping based grasp (by Human). Regrasping based grasp (by Robot).

Rotating motion

Rotating motion (by Human). Rotating motion (by Robot).

Rolling based grasp

Rolling based grasp (by Robot).

「スケール依存型把握」       "Scale-Dependent Grasp"

白井達也, 金子真, 辻敏夫 (広島大学)        Tatsuya Shirai, Makoto Kaneko and Toshio Tsuji
Vol.17, No.4, p.111-120, 1999(平成11年5月)

This paper discusses the scale-dependent grasp. Suppose that an object is initially placed on a table without touching by human hand and, then he (or she) finally achieves an enveloping grasp after an appropriate approach phase. Under such initial and final conditions, human unconsciously changes the grasp strategy according to the size of object, even though they have similargeometry. We call the grasp planning the scale-dependent grasp. Focusing on column objects, we first classified the grasp patterns into a couple of grasps and extracted the essential motions so that we can apply the scale-dependent grasp to multi-fingeredrobot hands. We found that the grasp patterns should be also changed according to the surface friction and the geometry of cross section of object in addition to the scale. The basic strategies were verified by experiments. Finally, we considered how each strategy should be switched from one to another.

”Scale−Dependent Grasps”

Tatsuya Shirai, Makoto Kaneko, Kensuke Harada, Toshio Tsuji (Hiroshima Univ.)
The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics(ICAM’98)

This paper discusses the scale-dependent grasps. Suppose that an object is initially placed on a table without touching by human hand and, then he (or she) finally achieves an enveloping grasp after an appropriate approach phase. Under such initial and final conditions, human unconsciously changes the grasp strategy according to the size of object, even though they have similar geometry. We call the grasp planning the scale-dependent grasp. Along the grasp patterns observed in human grasping, we apply a couple of grasp procedures to multi-fingered robot hands.